My Mind Made Public -

I held off as long as I could ...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2009 Gay Pride Parade Video 1 of 11

I recorded this video from my condo after the parade, as a real-time summary of what you are going to see, feel and hear over the next two weeks as I post the remaining ten videos from my participation in the 2009 Gay Pride Parade in Chicago.

As I said in the video, this is a time to reflect as we take everyone’s words during the interviews as a legitimate expression of what each person’s experience has been, and where they are currently. My favorite slogan—right from the gate you can’t relate—and this is a huge step forward as we are able to place the GLBT community’s metric upon ourselves to know the boundaries of what it is to make significant things happen for the Kingdom.

Much love.


D.J. Free! said...

looking forward to seeing the vids!

Unknown said...


thanks for being! and standing up and sayn 'yea we don't know, man that must suck'

cant wait to see ya

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these videos. I am looking forward to seeing them with a lot of anticipation. Thanks for all you're doing!

Anonymous said...

Andrew - just starting to watch the videos, and just listening to you in this first one brings tears to my eyes before I even watch the others. Thanks for doing what you are doing. My own journey in the church these past 25 years has been tough at times, but you give me hope for a better church tomorrow, and I want to do my part.

Mastercard Casino said...

Thank you for sharing the videos. Hope you upload more.

abbey loans said...

Thank you for posting wonderful videos. Hope you'll post more.

guarantor loans said...

Thank you so much for sharing your videos..

orlando personal injury lawyer said...

Thanks for sharing this post with us. Expecting your videos to come out.=)

LLC Bankruptcy said...

are they really serious with it?

Anonymous said...

Wow, cannot wait to see half-naked men prancing around the public streets.

Explain to me how that lines up with the Bible and Jesus Christ?