My Mind Made Public -

I held off as long as I could ...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Prayer for the Faithful

Thank you Lord for this opportunity to Be;
For this opportunity to be Yours.

Our prayers, wants, hopes and desires –

We pray them knowing what we pray and the end result we yearn to see,
but can never know or understand the Kingdom ramifications of how You are going to get those simple, yet passionate and heartfelt eternal prayers accomplished.

Because what is in our head never seems to play itself out how we ourselves think it so.

Our direct points from A to B, might end up A to B looped through C to Z, backtracked to M and on to O; followed by P and back to E ending in where our original B prayer landed us.

And you do it because you respect us,
and deem our prayer worthy to the best that only You know how to accomplish it –

fully; and thoroughly lived out as only You can grant Your follower their Kingdom passions.

Therefore Father:

Let us be who you need us to be.
Let us do what you need us to do.
Let us go where you need us to go.
Let us work how you need us to work.
Let us live how you need us to live.
Let us speak how you need us to speak.
Let us feel what you need us to feel.
Let us follow how you need us to follow.
Let us lead how you need us to lead.
Let us learn what you need us to learn.

Whatever those words mean to you, and whatever that will look like for me and my life –

take me; take us.

Take all of us – however You see it to the optimal expression of our Spirit’s prayers.
And take all of us to truly, tangibly and as real as we possibly can:

Live out Your will on earth as it is in Heaven.

Thank you and Praise you Holy Father.
In Jesus precious name;

Much love.

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